Last updated on January 24th, 2024 at 05:13 pm
It is common for anyone to face trials that life throws their way, some that require you to face a new beginning. What you do with the curve balls is what makes you a better person. I have been shown time and time again, that I need to just learn to live for the day and not think about tomorrow. Life has shown it’s hand again and I have decided to rebuild my walls and remind myself that I’m stronger than I feel. With this change, I am putting down my old blogs and focusing on my business. Birdcage Media and Living in Acronym Hell are both linked in my portfolio to keep my previous work available.
The Divorce
In January of 2017, Jeremy and I filed for divorce. This was something that has been brewing for a while, but we hid it well behind pictures of perfection. I can tell you that both of us made mistakes, that no one is perfect. I will also state that I will be very cautious about what I write in this blog about my relationship with my ex-husband because he is the father of my children and he has made massive changes. However, the divorce has been something that has rocked my world. My new beginning meant I woke to no money, no home, no kids, and no spouse. I spent much of last year in a severe depression and really have struggled coming out of it. I tried to drink myself to death for a couple months and tried lying to others that everything was okay. Everything was definitely not okay … everything is still not okay … and I honestly can’t tell you when it will be, but I have to believe that some day it will be.
Fresh Start
I finally landed a job at McDonald’s in May of 2017 and quickly moved up there making a name for myself. I NORMALLY love my job. It is EXTREMELY stressing and taxing. I am on call 24-7-365, but I love my crew and am still there today. After getting everything back in order and working an ungodly amount of hours, I landed my own apartment in January. My oldest daughter has moved in and we are beginning a new life as a single mom and teenager. I am not sure where this blog will lead, but my goal is to help others starting fresh.
So what am I? I am Birdy … Wonder Woman … Strong … and this is only just another new beginning!