Redbird Empire

Redbird Empire

Welcome to Redbird Empire! I have been writing and programming since the 1990’s. However, in 2012, I started freelance writing professionally. As I build my business, I focused mainly on web content needs. In 2020, I have branched out to offer full Virtual Assistant services. After continued growth, I decided to open web design and game wiki services in 2022.


With the growth of my company, I have decided to divide my site into three sections to best meet your individual needs.

Meet Heather

My name is Heather, but since I started writing and gaming, most know me as Birdy.

I began blogging as a place to vent my frustrations and talk about my household. I underwent several blog changes until I found my place. I still enjoy blogging, but I no longer discuss family and kid topics.

I am a writer with over 20 years of experience in writing and technology. In high school, I began my writing career by joining creative writing clubs and never looked back. In 2012, I took my writing to the next level by becoming a freelance writer to assist with family bills. I have written for eBay and Google as a ghostwriter and created my blog, Birdcage Freelance. While I closed the doors on my blog in 2017, I remained writing for private clients. My experience in technology began as a child raised by a computer engineer. I started programming as a hobby in 1999. In 2014, I became a mentor with Kansas City Women in Technology, teaching children to adults basic programming knowledge. Finally, I started my path to full nerd status by becoming a gamer in 2015. In addition to writing, I am starting to program mods while playing and testing games.

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